After the attack of two airplaines flying into the world trade center, a worldwide search for the initiator started, named Osama Bin Laded, chief of the terrorist organisation Al-Quaida. There were rumors about him biding his time in caves in Pakistan, but obviously he had much more comfort in the time the USA scanned whole regions, did an international effort to find him and spent thousands of money for their secret angencies. They believed the whole world behind them, but somehow Osama could stay ten years in Pakistan, which wasn't possible without help from the local secret angency or government. Before the execution of Osama the relationships of the USA and Pakistan weren't quite stable, with the unannounced operation of the special troup Navy Seals Pakistan found they were facing a delegation of sovereign rights and critisized the USA strongly.
Here an overview about the elimination of Osama: Having clues that Osama could live in a huge house at the edge of the Paskistani capital, the US-president Obama gave permission for a small group of US-soldiers to capture Osama. The troups flew helicopters over the house, the soldiers stormed the area, came under fire, killed 5 Osama allies in fire battles and left within 40 minutes. Before any Pakistan army could join, they left the place, taking the dead body of the killed Osama with them. His body was taken on a US-ship, after islamic rituals the body was delivered to the sea, to avoid having a pilgrimage side where the dead body of Osama rests. Also no photo was published because of the fear of misusage. In the house many storage devices were found and taken, including porn material.
The whole operation was performed whithout any warning to the Pakistan government, maybe to avoid intruders in the government telling Osama about the plans. The Pakistani government said the next time an operation took place they wanted a lead role, because they were able the defend their own country from terrorists and crime. Many Islamcis protested against any further co-operation with the USA, especially after an Obama announcement, in which he said he would do another operation without the co-operation with Pakistan if neccessary. The alliance between Pakistan and the USA has it's problems and to overcome them will be a huge step to take by both sides.
Lukas and Jonathan
Very nice text about an actual topic! Well done you two! :-)
ReplyDeletePlease don't mix up Islamics and Islamists :-)