While the dept crisis, the United Kingdom had lost a lot of money and had taken credits. Now, the country has many depts and the state has to save money. The problem is: what money can they take to pay back the debts? The government of the United Kingdom found a solution for this question. The money shell be saved at the higher education, further at the universities.
So the government decided last year, that the money used for the universities (Lehretats) will be reduced by 80% and the tuition fees will be increased by the twofold or in special situation even by the threefold. That means, that a student who had to pay maximum 3.290 pound (~3.800 euro) every year with the old reform know has to pay maximum 6.000 pound (~7.000 euro) every year, or in "special situation" even till 9.000 pound (~10.500 euro).
It should be noticed, that the students don't have to pay the money while their studies, they have to take a credit (what irony!) and have to pay it after their studies if they earn minimum 21.000 pounds (~24.000 euros) every year.
Lots of students of the British universities weren't d'accord with it. It came to 'student protests' with 20.000-50.000 students, the most in London. The students already protested while the negotiation, but after the decision, the protests escalated; glass has been broken, paint bombs have been througn out and there were little fights. The car of prince Charles and Camilla has been attacked, too.

In my opinion studying with the increased tuition fees is realizable, but with this foot step, the government hands over the education policy, such an very important thing, into privat hands (the 'runners' of the universities). I really searched for a caricatured sentence like "What's next? The hand over of the responsibility for...?", but I didn't find.
Interesting links
BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11677862
Lots of students of the British universities weren't d'accord with it. It came to 'student protests' with 20.000-50.000 students, the most in London. The students already protested while the negotiation, but after the decision, the protests escalated; glass has been broken, paint bombs have been througn out and there were little fights. The car of prince Charles and Camilla has been attacked, too.

In my opinion studying with the increased tuition fees is realizable, but with this foot step, the government hands over the education policy, such an very important thing, into privat hands (the 'runners' of the universities). I really searched for a caricatured sentence like "What's next? The hand over of the responsibility for...?", but I didn't find.
Interesting links
BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11677862
Pictures (GERMAN): http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-62519.html
(pictures from www.spiegel.de)
(pictures from www.spiegel.de)
A very actual and important topic in Britain and all over the worldm, too. You did a good job Clara! Go on with these kind of posts!