Great-Britian felt threatened because of the german fleets and both countries armed themself for a war. The british people thought that Germany called their power into question and were very mistrustful.
In the years 1914 and 1915, Great-Britian began with his declarations of war. At first against Germany, then Austria, the Ottoman Empire (Osmanisches Reich) and Bulgaria.
Great-Britian had aims, which were mostly directed against Germany: they wanted to safe their own sea routes, tried to hold off the German attempts of an occupation in other countries and they wanted to built a sea block, which stops the import and export. That should make Germany war-weary and should bring them to the end of their power.
Great-Britian enacted a trade embargo against Germany and a short time later, at the 2. November 1914, they declared that the whole North Sea would be a war zone. They told the other, neutral ships, which route they had taken, when they crossed this area.
Bit by bit, Germany suffered unter the sea blockade, because no ships could contact the ports.
Because of the big food crisis and the shortage of raw material (Rohstoffmangel), Germany began a submarine warfare, which ended in a draw.
But Great-Britian became more and more stronger and in 1918, Germany capitulated and retreated into his own country.
Very nice entry about a very important historical topic! I think our blog has a real historician :-)