A powerful woman named Julia Gillard provides for changings in Australia as prime minister since the 24th June 2010. The trained lawyer is a member of the Australian parliament since 1998 and Gillard had been the minister for education and labor and social compensation for three years up to 2010.
Amazing facts: She is the first unmarried woman and the first not-native woman who is prime minister.
Little curriculum vitae:
Julia Gillard was born at 29th Septemer 1961 in Barry (Wales) and moved with her family to Australia while being 5 years old. Gillard studied at the University of Adelaide und later at the University of Melburne. At the age of 26 the worked as a lawyer in a registry and in her youth she was the second chairman of a union made by students. Years later Gillard was a member of personal of the coming prime minister of Victoria John Brumby. Some years later when she was 37 years old Gilllard became a delegate of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). It´s the oldest party of Australia and had a landslide victory and because of that she became the deputy prime minister. It hadn´t taken a long time when Gillard became the prime minister.
Julia Gillard is a strong woman with a lot of thoughts how to change the world, but I think she isn´t a good country- representer because I have read that at some elections later in August 2010 she just could continuse her office with a majority of two votes. It is not so good for her but I wish her the best for the next elections .
Amazing facts: She is the first unmarried woman and the first not-native woman who is prime minister.
Little curriculum vitae:
Julia Gillard was born at 29th Septemer 1961 in Barry (Wales) and moved with her family to Australia while being 5 years old. Gillard studied at the University of Adelaide und later at the University of Melburne. At the age of 26 the worked as a lawyer in a registry and in her youth she was the second chairman of a union made by students. Years later Gillard was a member of personal of the coming prime minister of Victoria John Brumby. Some years later when she was 37 years old Gilllard became a delegate of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). It´s the oldest party of Australia and had a landslide victory and because of that she became the deputy prime minister. It hadn´t taken a long time when Gillard became the prime minister.
Julia Gillard is a strong woman with a lot of thoughts how to change the world, but I think she isn´t a good country- representer because I have read that at some elections later in August 2010 she just could continuse her office with a majority of two votes. It is not so good for her but I wish her the best for the next elections .
Cool, my birthday is also the 29th September :-) Very nice entry Romina, good job!