Monday, May 16, 2011

Ethnic groups

Parkistan is divided in many different ethnic groups. The main and most interesting fact is, that Urdu (the official language of Parkistan) isn't the first langugage of all the inhabitants, just of about 8%.
The most important ethnic groups are Punjabi (66%), Sindhi (13%), Pakthan (9%), Muhajir (8%), Balochi (3%) and some else.

You'll probably notice that the ethnic groups are rather discerned in language or parts where the acutual groups are living.

Muhajir are often not mentioned, because they're living spread-out all over the country. They're muslims, coming from India. Some of them had to come there because they wanted to, some because they were slaves.
The role of women in Parkistan is different at all places, north-living women are treaten in a better and lot more respective way than women who're living in north-west.

Something pretty interesting including this topic is, that women who're living in Punjab or Sindh and who're working as farmers are treaten better, than women of the middle classes.

Here's another link to lists of ethnic groups of Parkistan:

Sarah & Sophie


  1. Very good work. This topic is very difficult and is connected with a lot of moral and cultural things. But you know, I'm a fan of titles and subtitles. That makes it easier for readers like me to divide the text into parts and paragprahs, which could me more and which could be less interesting for the persons.
    But all in all, a very good text and a topic, which leave its mark always on our popluation. Go on with writing texts like this, I like your style! :)

  2. I also liked your text... You've choosen a very difficult topic but nevertheless you gave us a good overview about the ethnic groups of Pakistan... well done!
