Monday, May 23, 2011

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings is a Roman from John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The movie was filmed by Peter Jackson. Peter Jackson is a New Zealand producer.
He got 3 Oscars for his movie ''The Lord of the Rings''.

He filmed the movie in a trilogy. The first movie came 2001 in the cinema, the second 2002 and the third 2003.
Always before Christmas. The movie is about a Ring.
Before the movie The Lord of the Rings excisted there was a book for children wich is called ''The Hobbit''.

The Hobbit was a story for Tolkien's Children.
The film is set in the fictional world of Middle Earth.
relates the story of the hobbit Frodo, who comes into possession of a powerful ring. The ring has to be destroyed , f
or avoiding that Sauron the dark Lord, gets the ring.
Sauron would be able to be the master of middle earth with this ring.
The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand in a Special area.

made by sophie

1 comment:

  1. Nice entry Sophie! I liked the films "The Lord of the Rings! very much... so I also liked the topic of your entry :-)
