Monday, May 23, 2011

Nature Of New Zealand

The nature of New Zealand is one of the most fascinating and interesting natural regions in the world. Long time of separation from another continent over the time of shiftings of the continents helped a population of unique animal species to come into being. Before the today's natives of New Zealand arrived, still 80% of the country was covered by forest and jungle. Now, the number has dropped to 25%, the remains now being under conservation. Part of it is conifer forest, part of it broadleaf forest. Impressing are for example the 10 metres high tree ferns and the evergreen trees in New Zealand. Its nature is mising terrestrial mammals, but the gapes are filled mainly by birds.
Birds that can not fly have a great location on islands of New Zealand because of the lack of predators. Even Pinguins or lizards live in New Zealand. But lots of the animal species are threatened by dying out, because of the natural enemies the natives brought with them, rats, cats, dogs and weasels that caused two large waves of extinction. New Zealand, world leader of killing imported species wants to ensure that, starting with small islands, the population of animals that was there before the civilization came will be restored. However, lots of animal species are still in danger of extiction, mainly because of excessive hunting and the increased tourism in the region. The beauty of dolphins and wales swiming around islands full of jungle and small kiwis stalking through the sand is disappearing, but the government finally realizes its source of money-making.

1 comment:

  1. that's a nice entry by ????
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