Thursday, March 31, 2011

Canadian Team Sports

When you have ever heard of any sports team out of Canada, it's their national hockey team. As a cold and snowy country the conditions are perfect. But as a few know, there're more sports, not quite as popular, still not disregardable. Of course the American influence brings basketball, baseball and football, a variation named Canadian Football. Slightly cornered, however, still attractive, are Curling and Football. A sport we usually have no idea of in Germany called Lacrosse is one of the two national sports in Canada, besides hockey. Now a closer look: Ice hockey has been invented in Canada, favoured by nearly every Canadian. To have the Winter Olympics 2010 hosted in Canada underlined the strenght they had gained over the years, ending in the win of the tournament. Worldwide attention was drawn, so many other sports hadn't the attention they needed. For example, Canada is really famous for their indoor matches of Lacrosse. There's already a Hall of Fame for the best players in the different competitions. After skipping fastly through these two sports, we come to the little-market things I've mentioned. One Canadian team of basketball and baseball has a place in the major sport leagues in the USA, nevertheless, the had never the potential to attract more fans than minorities. Instead of being troubled by the dominance of hockey, Canadian Football has found his place to earn money and even has its Final Match of the national tournament broadcasted on TV.

When it comes to tradition, Curling has been important to be part of Canadian sports, so the number of 750.000 Canadians playing it is unnaturally high. Soccer can be mentioned like something in the background, only a few people get to this place. So far, Olympic medals have been won by Canadians for a dozen times, but their focus still lies on the Winter Sports. To summarize, sports culture is caracterised by the national clima and a low number of people is interested in another sport than hockey or maybe Lacrosse. (Jonathan)


  1. Your gave us a good overview about the Canadian Team Sports. I have to admit that I never saw anything about their national hockey team, but you aroused my interest. I hope, in the future, I will be more informed about these acitivities and we can discuss about them.
    PS: Maybe, you can add a short movie of a game.

  2. Very nice article about the sports tradition of Canada. I liked it...

    @ Lea: Thank you for your comments, you give good hints to your colleagues, that's very nice!

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