Sunday, March 27, 2011

Economy of South Africa by Pascal Stieler

After the second world war, South Africa has changed from an agriculture state to a modern industrial state. The problem was the Apartheid which wasn't good for the industrial growing up in South Africa. After the Apartheid the economy had the chance to grow and used it.
Only with big investors the South African products were competive on the world markets in the '90s.
The most important export-countries are the USA, Germany, Japan, Great Britain and the Netherlands.
Mining is one of the most important jobs for the growing of the economy. Because South Africa has got many Mines and mostly the commodities come from those mines.
It looks unbelieveable but South Africa has got 88% of the whole Platinum reserves in the world.
Those Platinum reserves are the most important reserves, because Platinum is more expensive than Gold. Here you can see a Platinum mine.

But not only the mines and the commodities in South Africa are important for the economy.
For an example when the FIFA world championship was in South Africa more than 12 million people came to South Africa. In normal times there are about 7 million people who visit South Africa.
About 1,5 million people are working in the tourism industry. I've senn something were was said that 8 tourists make one new job. So if there are 7 or even 8 miliion tourists every year, it means that there will be about 1 million new jobs every year.

Another big business is the car industry. BMW, Daimler and VW are producing their cars in South Africa. 2006 there were built more than half a million cars in South Africa.

So in the end South Africa is a big industrial country which has got a huge economy and which is still growing.


  1. Great text Pascal... we could present our themes together because they are in the same family... with economy and so on. My special was the diamonds and gold.
    It´s good :D

  2. I have also noticed that your entries overlap.
    But a very good entry. You've got about all this a very nice overview.
    However, you could still have mentioned maybe that Africa that most can't use and is in spite of the economy a very poor country.

  3. It's very normal that some topics are related to each other but this is no problem. I liked also Pascal's text... But here are also some mistakes which you can easily avoid... for example the superlative of "important" is not "importants"... it's "the most important"... please check your entry :-)

  4. Nearly everything were said by Elena und Romina what I wanted to say. Of course, a nice text and an interesting topic. You made a quick overview about the history and came back to the present. But mostly, you talked about the advantages and not about the disadavantages of South Africa. For example, the mine workers sometimes still have to work in bad states, although of the revolution in South Africa. Tell us more about the changes there and the situation of the workers today. Connect the circumstances before the political change with the circumstances after the ANC came into power. But all in all, a very good text!

  5. Nice text, I would have written "it seems to be" not "it looks like"..
    But all in all it's really informative and well-written.

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